World First Android App supporting ONVIF® devices

Updated 2025-01-02
Current version: V19.53 Release Date: 2025-01-02
App Help Page Purchase Pro license
Discover - Monitor - Control - Explore
For security professionals, business owners and consumers who have made the smart choice of owning future-proof ONVIFTM conformant IP security devices such as IP cameras, Onvier provides a handy and powerful tool to discover, monitor, control and explore your ONVIFTM devices. It helps you unlock the power and convenience provided by ONVIFTM.
Dutch translation is kindly provided by Koen Zomers (koen@zomers.eu – www.koenzomers.nl) and Elmer Verrijssen (onvifer@elversoft.com - https://elversoft.com - Elversoft)
De Nederlandse vertaling is beschikbaar gesteld door Koen Zomers (koen@zomers.eu – www.koenzomers.nl) en Elmer Verrijssen (onvifer@elversoft.com - https://elversoft.com - Elversoft)
French translation is kindly provided by Mr. Jean Bruder (jean_bruder@hotmail.com).
Traduction en français par de M. Jean BRUDER (jean_bruder@hotmail.com).
German translation is kindly provided by Mr. Jörg Trampert and Mr. Dominik Trampert (trampert. joerg@gmail. com).
Die deutsche Übersetzung wird freundlicherweise von Herrn Jörg Trampert und Herrn Dominik Trampert (trampert. joerg@gmail. com) zur Verfügung gestellt.
Italian translation is kindly provided by ipDoor (info@ipdoor.com), a leader in IP Door Phones. Access Control and Home Automation Solution.
La traduzione in Italiano è gentilmente offerta da ipDoor (info@ipdoor.com), il leader nella Videocitofonia IP e nelle soluzioni Domotiche.
Korean translation is kindly provided by Mr. Jinseob Kim(jskim@sscctv.com) from SeeEyes (sscctv.com), the leader of IP Camera installation tools.
한국어 번역은 IP 카메라 설치 툴을 제작하는 SeeEyes(sscctv.com)의 김진섭(jskim@sscctv.com)이 제공하였습니다.
Polish translation is kindly provided by Mr. Paweł Łukasik (onvifer@lookasik.eu).
Tłumaczenie na język polski wykonane przez Mr. Paweł Łukasik (onvifer@lookasik.eu).
Portuguese translation is kindly provided by a Brazilian engineer.
A tradução para o Português foi gentileza de um engenheiro brasileiro.
Russian translation is kindly provided by Минин Максим (maksym.minin@gmail.com) with the assistance of Saratovout(dev@saratovout.ru).
Русский перевод предоставил Минин Максим (maksym.minin@gmail.com), при содействии команды Saratovout (dev@saratovout.ru).
Slovenian translation is kindly provided by Mr. Marjan Mirai (marjan.mirai@gmail.com).
Prevod v slovenski jezik: Marjan Mirai (marjan.mirai@gmail.com).
Spanish translation is kindly provided by Mr. Pedro Torres (s83230p@gmail.com).
Traducción a español realizada por Pedro Torres (s83230p@gmail.com).
Turkish translation is kindly provided by Mr. Engin ŞİMŞİR (engin.sim@hotmail.com).
Türkçe çevirisi Sn. Engin ŞİMŞİR (engin.sim@hotmail.com).
Ukrainian translation is kindly provided by Минин Максим(maksym.minin@gmail.com).
Український переклад надав, Максим Мінін (maksym.minin@gmail.com).
Vietnamese translation is kindly provided by Mr. Duc (daonghiemanhduc@gmail.com).
Please download Onvier from the official sites. We have noticed many obsolete versions scattered on the internet.
Main Features:
ONVIF | - | Support over 22385 NVT devices (e.g. network cameras, servers) |
Generic RTSP/MJPEG | - | Support non-ONVIF IP cameras as generic RTSP or MJPEG streams. |
RTSP over HTTP | - | The most robust video streaming method over the Internet. Simplify router's port configuration. |
H.264/H.265 | - | (a.k.a. Advanced Video Coding/High Efficiency Video Encoding ) The same format used by Blu-ray, YouTube. High compression allows smoother video for limited bandwidth. |
Explore | - | In-depth exploration of device properties. |
Audio | - | Supports both AAC and G.711 μ-law and G.711 A-law, |
PTZ | - |
Flick to pan/tilt, click to zoom.
Opto-mechanical and digital PTZ |
MP4 | - | Recording in standard MP4 format with H.264/H.265 video encoding and AAC audio encoding for high quality and video viewer compatibility. |
Discovery | - | Discover all ONVIF devices instantly. Adding a camera can be as simple as a few button clicks. |
Custom Commands | - | Send user defined CGI or other HTTP based commands such as turning LED/IR on/off. (Pro version) |
Configure | - | In-app device configuration for both video, audio. |
Widget | - | Snapshot preview on Android home screen, and one-click to start video streaming. |
Snapshot Preview | - | App home screen with snapshots updated periodically. |
Multi-view | - | Viewing multiple cameras simultaneously. |
Portrait/Landscape | - | Support both portrait and landscape, fit and crop-and-fill viewing. |
ONVIF is a trademark of ONVIF, Inc.
Versions with even minor numbers are for Amazon Appstore.
2025-01-02 19.53
- Improved some image button UI.
2024-12-02 19.51, 19.49(PR)
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some RTSP deviating from the protocol.
- Improved some image button UI.
2024-11-12 19.45, 19.43(PR). 19.41(PR)
- Revamped the overflow menu of single-view by grouping options in a Settings window.
- Improved ONVIF audio encoder configuration editing.
- Improved gesture detection for PTZ to avoid missing the stop command.
- Numerous Android SDK package updates.
2024-08-12 19.39
- Improved MJPEG decoder.
- Accommodate certain SSL certificates.
- Enable availability to TV devices again.
2024-07-09 19.37, 19.35(PR)
- Improved the message box by adding the option to copy the text.
- Improved navigation UI for TV devices.
- Improved the setup screen to accommodate some RTSP servers.
2024-07-05 19.33, 19.31 (PR)
- Improved the support for some ONVIF cameras providing only temporary RTSP URLs.
- The package for Android 4. (KitKat, API Level 19) is no longer updated though it will be available on Google Play.
- Improved debugging log.
2024-06-20 19.29
- Raised minimum supported Android version to Android 5 (Lollipop, API Level 21) to use the latest versions of Android SDK packages.
2024-05-30 19.27
- New (Pro): option to select date and time format (on Settings screen).
- Improved double-tap detection to avoid an obscure crash on some Android 14 devices.
2024-05-26 19.25, 19.23(PR), 19.21(PR), 19.19(PR), 19.17(PR), 19.15(PR), 19.13(PR)
- Revised icon sets
2024-05-05 19.11
- Fixed a bug related to multi-view screen recording on Android 14 devices.
2024-05-03 19.09, 19.07(PR)
- Support for joystick/game controller zoom (button A and B).
- Further reduction of recording memory footprint.
2024-04-27 19.05, 19.03(PR), 19.01(PR), 18.99(PR), 18.97(PR). 18.95(PR), 18.93(PR) 18.91(PR), 18.89(PR), 18.87(PR), 18.85(PR)
- Updates are not available on Google Play for Android TV temporarily.
- Improved media profile editing.
- Improved RTSP decoder's compatibility with some atypical RTSP streams
- Improved accommodation for some cameras deviating from ONVIF protocols.
- Fixed a bug related to audio encoder editing.
- Accommodation of an Android 7.1 bug.
2024-03-26 18.83
- Fixed a video encoder editing bug.
- Improved compatibility with devices deviating from ONVIF protocols.
2024-03-16 18.81
- Bug fixes for multi-view options and video encoder editing.
- Improved multi-view configuration.
2024-02-21 18.79, 18.77(PR), 18.75 (PR)
- New (Pro): New: context menu button on device tile.
2024-02-16 18.73
- New (Pro): relay control. It is on the overflow menu of single-view.
- Improved device list export for newer versions of Android.
2024-01-27 18.71
- Improved debugging log display TV devices.
2024-01-15 18.69
- Improved multi-view screen recording.
- Improved gesture control.
- Removed automatic information copying to the clipboard in setup for video test. The clipboard copying for the WAN access button remains.
2024-01-09 18.67
- Improved recording to accommodate H.264 video streams that miss IDR frames.
- Fixed a multi-view bug that affects only Android 4.4 devices.
2023-12-23 18.65
- Improved recording performance to accommodate old slow devices.
- Improved multi-view.
- Fixed a bug affecting debugging log on old Android devices.
2023-12-19 18.63
- New (Pro): sequence multi-view.
- Further significant improvement of post-recording processing speed.
- Improved support for custom commands with credentials in their URLs.
- Improved the setup for imported devices pending setup.
2023-11-22 18.61
- Improved RTSP stream's snapshot function.
- Improved compatibility with some devices deviating from ONVIF protocols.
2023-11-18 18.59
- Improved recording performance by drastic reduction of transcoding time at the end of a recording.
- Drastic reduction of repeated entries in the debugging log.
2023-11-13 18.57, 18.55
- New (Pro): allow selection of multi-view configurations for exporting.
- Improved UDP protocol support for the RTSP decoder.
- Added erroneous backchannel detection.
- 18.57 fixed a bug related to certain H.265 RTSP video streams introduced in partially rolled out 18.55.
2023-10-02 18.53, 18.51(PR)
- Improved video streaming UI by increasing the button size slightly and making the camera switch and overflow menu button permanent
- Improved RTSP decoder in handling codec issues and timeout.
2023-09-29 18.49, 18.47 (PR)
- Improved handling of hardware video codec issues.
- Fixed a bug related to device list exporting, Win IP Camera support caused by Google R8 upgrade.
2023-09-26 18.45, 18.43(PR), 18.41(PR), 18.39(PR), 18.37 (PR)
- Improved backup video file recovery.
- Fixed a bug for multi-view selection.
2023-09-18 18.35
- Improved the remedy for some flawed hardware codecs.
2023-09-16 18.33
- New: Alternate way of emailing the debugging log as a last resort for technical support. Use this method only if your Android device does not have your preferred email app. This is the case for some Android TV devices.
- Improved the recording file handling for devices with difficulty in multiple concurrent storage access processes.
- Improved MJPEG recording.
2023-09-08 18.31
- New (Pro): RTSP URL display for ONVIF devices on the setup screen.
- Removed the request for the phone serial number for backup alternative Pro license registration.
2023-09-02 18.29, 18.27(PR), 18.25(PR)
- Changed target SDK version to 33 (Android 13).
- Voluntarily removed READ_PHONE_STATE permission in the app manifest which was used only for old versions of Android. The app never collects user phone numbers. It requests this permission only when the backup Pro license is needed as a last resort.
- Removed network device discovery for Android KitKat devices (no effect on ONVIF device discovery) because of an OS bug causing crashes.
- Fixed tile updating interval.
- Improved debugging log report for multi-view with a large number of windows and a very large amount of log entries.
- Further improvement in the handling of flawed codecs.
2023-08-10 18.19, 18.17(PR), 18.15(PR), 18.13(PR), 18.11(PR), 18.09(PR), 18.07 (PR)
- New (Pro): option to disable digital PTZ persisting. The option is on the Settings screen.
- Multi-view configurations have backup storage to help handle the rare case of regular file corruption.
- Improved codec error handling for some devices with buggy graphics drivers.
2023-07-17 18.05, 18.03 (PR)
- New (Pro): Multi-view configurations can be exported to or imported from a specified folder.
- Multi-view configurations have backup storage to help handle the rare case of regular file corruption.
- Improved MJPEG recording.
2023-06-15 18.01, 17.99 (PR)
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some Android devices' hardware codec limitations.
- Improved compatibility with some cameras' deviation from ONVIF protocols.
- Improved error handling.
2023-05-27 17.97
- Changed the recording status message color to dark orange to accommodate color vision deficiency.
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some camera models' reconnection.
- Changed target Android version to 32 from 31.
2023-05-08 17.95
- Improved video decoder's status message display.
- Improved handling of large debugging logs.
2023-04-30 17.93, 17.91(PR), 17.89(PR), 17.87(PR)
- Improved snapshot for some H.265 video streams.
- Improved app widget.
- Improved multi-view performance and compatibility with old Android devices.
- Improved upgrade page.
2023-04-21 17.85, 17.83(PR), 17.81(PR), 17.79(PR), 17.77(PR), 17.75(PR), 17.73(PR). 17.71 (PR), 17.69 (PR)
- PTZ controls are hidden when windows in a multi-view are very small. You can double-tap a window to maximize it to show its PTZ controls.
- Improved MJPEG decoder performance.
- Improved recording for video streams with G.711 audio.
- Minor improvements in reliability, feedback.
2023-03-27 17.67
- Improved multi-view performance.
- Improved Google Drive export/import.
2023-02-20 17.65
- Improved compatibility with Android TV devices.
2023-02-13 17.63, 17.61(PR)
- New: option to disable picture-in-picture per user requests. The checkbox is on Settings.
- Improved multi-view configuration management.
2023-01-11 17.59
- Support for the recording of generic MJPEG streams and JPEG encoded RTSP streams. These streams are transcoded to H.264 video for recording.
- Improved recording.
- Improved the reliability of outgoing audio.
2022-12-11 17.57
- Improved recording further by minimizing the tail loss.
2022-11-28 17.55(PR), 17.53(PR), 17.51(PR), 17.49(PR)
- Recording has been overhauled to enhance the support for the continuous recording of the Pro version. No recording will be lost no matter whether the recording ends normally or is interrupted by unexpected events. There will be a valid MP4 file with affix _backup for interrupted recording. The app transcodes any detected backup MP4 files to regular MP4 files automatically upon its start.
2022-09-24 17.47
- Improved reliability, discovery and debugging log.
2022-08-14 17.45
- New (Pro): set the sequence-view to auto-start (under the settings of the sequence-view).
- Improved camera setup including outgoing audio testing.
2022-08-04 17.43, 17.41 (PR)
- Improved device configuration export/import compatibility with Windows version.
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some non-standard conditions
- Fixed a bug related to Slovenian translation.
2022-07-11 17.39
- New: Vietnamese translation is kindly provided by Mr.Duc (daonghiemanhduc@gmail.com).
2022-07-05 17.37, 17.35(PR), 17.33(PR), 17.31(PR), 17.29(PR), 17.27(PR)
- New: support channel up/down buttons for switching camera the in single-view.
- Changed device list export/import format to .config5.
- Updated the Pro license purchase process with the latest Google Play Billing Library 5.0.
- Improved single-view UI.
- Improved media file browser opening.
- Improved debug logging for RTSP.
2022-04-26 17.25
- Fixed a minor bug related to multi-view configuration.
2022-04-24 17.23
- Improved outgoing audio.
- Improved support for WAN access using RTSP over HTTP.
- Improved debugging log.
2022-04-11 17.21
- New: automatic detection of IP address change for ONVIF devices. We strongly recommend configuring your router to use reserved IP addresses for your devices. This is particularly important for WAN access configurations.
- Improved outgoing-audio quality.
- Added support for the backchannel outgoing audio of some cameras that deviate from ONVIF protocols by missing audio decoder configurations.
- Improved the reliability of multi-view configuration files.
- Added widget support for third-party launchers.
- Improved the support for Android devices using VPN.
2022-02-07 17.19
- Changed target Android version to 12 (API 31).
- Improved system bar display for Android 11 and 12.
- Fixed some navigation bugs for the sequence view.
2022-02-02 17.17
- Improved the support for WAN access.
2022-01-28 17.15
- New: Turkish translation kindly provided by Mr. Engin ŞİMŞİR (engin.sim@hotmail.com).
2022-01-21 17.13, 17.11(PR), 17.09(PR)
- New (Pro): persisting digital PTZ. The app now remembers digital zoom scale and pan/tilt positions and starts video streaming with the digital PTZ settings of the last session.
- New: support for L16 audio encoding in addition to AAC, G.711 μ-law and G.711 A-law.
2022-01-08 17.07
- Improved support for VPN.
2021-12-31 17.05, 17.03(PR), 17.01(PR), 16.99(PR)
- New: the option (under settings) to use the system navigation bar instead of the custom navigation bar for video streaming screens (single-view and multi-view) per the requests of some users. Please note that the system navigation bar does not work properly for full-screen on some devices.
- Improved the launcher icon for Android TV devices.
- Improved Digital PTZ.
- General UI performance improvement.
2021-12-23 16.97
- General UI performance improvement for both single-view and multi-view.
2021-12-17 16.95
- Fixed some minor bugs.
2021-12-15 16.93
- Fixed a bug of multi-view's drawer menu.
- Revamped uncaught exception handling to allow users to report crash easily.
- Added memory leak detector and handling for multi-view to accommodate a very small number of devices.
2021-12-09 16.91, 16.89(PR), 16.87(PR), 16.85(PR)
- Revamped widget updating with new methods recommended by Google.
- Added memory leak watcher.
- Improved drawer menu UI for both single-view and multi-view.
2021-11-30 16.83
- Added the number of received video frames to the video information window and the RTSP stream debugging log.
- Improved compatibility to accommodate some cameras deviating from international standards.
- Fixed some minor UI bugs for the single-view.
- Fixed a multi-view configuration export bug.
2021-11-24 16.81, 16.79(PR), 16.77(PR)
- New (Pro): custom commands' responses can be cleared or displayed in a large window by using the two buttons beneath the response. Custom commands' responses in JSON format are parsed and displayed accordingly.
- Fixed a bug related to custom commands export/import.
- Improve compatibility to support some cameras deviating from ONVIF protocols.
- Removed all legacy ad packages. They have not been used for a long time.
2021-11-11 16.75, 16.73(PR), 16.71(PR), 16.69 (PR)
- Target Android 11 per Google's requirement. The required changes may cause some file location changes on some devices.
- Improved localization.
- Improved video recording reliability.
- Improved debugging log.
2021-10-15 16.67
- Improved the drawer menu of both the single-view and multi-view.
- Improved automatic oldest file deletion for recording for some Android devices.
- Accommodated some ONVIF devices deviating from ONVIF protocols in media URI.
2021-10-15 16.65
- Improved the UI of the single-view's drawer menu.
- Improved the UI for the home screen on large displays.
- Fixed a bug related to D-pad use for single-view.
2021-10-15 16.63
- Improved the UI of Settings to accommodate D-pad.
- Changed the primary color to slate blue from black.
2021-10-04 16.61, 16.59(PR), 16.57(PR)
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some H.265 RTSP video streams using an uncommon format.
2021-09-30 16.55
- Fixed a minor bug of switch camera streaming to the next.
- Added animation to the custom navigation bar to make it more noticeable.
2021-09-27 16.53
- New (Pro): option to set Android device screen brightness to the maximum for video streaming (under Settings).
- Improved drawer menu for some devices.
2021-09-21 16.51
- Fixed a bug related to the navigation bar display for users with only one configured camera.
2021-09-21 16.49
- Improved navigation bar display for some Android 11 devices.
2021-09-20, 6.47, 16.45(PR), 16.43(PR), 146.41(PR)
- IMPORTANT: a custom navigation bar is placed at the bottom of video streaming screens upon screen tap. Please use it to go back to the previous screen or the Android home screen.
2021-09-14 16.39(PR)
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some RTSP streams deviating from the protocol.
2021-09-04 16.37, 16.35(PR)
- Improved navigation bar display in full screen for certain Android 11 devices.
2021-09-02 16.33, 16.31(PR), 16.29(PR), 16.27(PR), 16.25(PR), 16.23(PR)
- New: option to close the menu of the home screen.
- Improved full-screen for some Android 11 devices.
2021-07-10 16.21, 16.19(PR)
- New(Pro): recorded video file retention time (under Settings).
- Improved camera compatibility for some cameras deviating from ONVIF protocols.
2021-07-03 16.17
- Improved home screen UI.
- Improved setup screen UI.
- Fixed a Google Drive export bug.
2021-06-28 16.15, 16.13(PR), 16.11(PR), 16.09(PR)
- Changed the minimum supported Android version from Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean, API 18) to Android 4.4(KitKat, API 19).
- Removed third party ads completely for the FREE version.
- Improved the RTSP decoder.
- Improved home screen UI.
2021-06-20 16.07
- Improved outgoing audio.
- Improved home page UI for new users.
2021-06-08 16.05, 16.03 (PR)
- Addressed a full-screen issue for Android 11 devices.
2021-06-03 16.01
- App name changed to Onvier from Onvifer.
2021-05-27 15.31
- Reversed targeting Android 11 temporarily to address storage access issues.
- Hide status bar for multi-view under all circumstances.
2021-05-21 15.29
- Accommodate Android 11 for full-screen handling.
2021-04-25 15.27, 15.25(PR)
- New: device configuration import/export file format with extension .config4. The new configuration files are encrypted to enhance the security and are exchangeable with that of Windows version IP CENTCOM.
2021-04-17 15.23, 15.21(PR)
- New (Pro): import/export custom commands.
- Improved support for D-pad.
2021-03-27 15.19
- Improved support for D-pad.
- Improved streaming screen UI for reverse-landscape orientation.
- Improved control overlay UI for right-to-left cultures.
2021-03-23 15.17, 15.15 (PR)
- Improved the launcher icon for some Android devices.
- Improved media files' inclusion in Google Photos.
- Removed Google ads completely for the FREE version.
- Improved RTSP debugging log to avoid excessive error logs for audio streams.
- Improved support for ONVIF devices deviating from ONVIF protocols in Profile G, media profile, device service.
2021-03-12 15.13, 15.11 (PR), 15.09 (PR)
- New(Pro): set PTZ home position.
- (Pro) Improved digital PTZ home position.
- (Pro) Improved PTZ preset panel UI.
- Hiding control overlay is a device specific option instead of a global option.
- Improved Japanese translation.
- Further improvement of Google TV compatibility by adding a TV banner.
2021-01-18 15.07, 15.05(PR)
- Improved Google TV compatibility (launcher icon, d-pad support, play/pause event support).
- Improve compatibility with devices deviating from ONVIF protocols.
- General UI improvement.
2021-01-10 15.03
- Further improvement of device status indicator (Pro).
- UI improvement.
2021-01-03 15.01, 14.99 (PR), 14.97(PR)
- Improved device tile status indicator updating.
- Improved the UI of multi-view configuration editor.
- Improved the UI of audio encoder configuration and video encoder configuration editors.
- Fixed a minor bug of ONVIF properties explorer.
2020-12-19 14.95, 14.93(PR)
- Fixed a bug related to device exporting.
- UI Improvement for custom commands.
- Further outgoing audio improvement for some devices.
2020-12-14 14.91
- UI Improvement (particularly for text input).
- Outgoing audio improvement (latency reduction) for some devices.
- Improvement for H.265 RTSP video streams deviating from protocols.
2020-12-04 14.85, 14.83 (PR)
- Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) users: this is the last update to support your device. We need to raise the minimum supported Android OS version to use new features. Please feel free to contact us if you need to download Onvier for your Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) devices in the future. We will try our best to accommodate your Jelly Bean devices.
- Added the option to save the debugging log to a file to the debugging log window.
- Improved support for devices deviating from ONVIF Media 2 Service protocols.
2020-11-16 14.81, 14.79 (PR)
- New (Pro): sort tiles by camera names (up/down arrows on the sorting page).
- New (Pro): double-tap to bring a window to full-screen or switch back to grid view.
- Improved multi-view mode switching time.
2020-09-30 14.77
- New (Pro): support game controller for pan/tilt.
- Improved TLS support.
2020-09-04 14.75
- New (Pro): option to adjust the control overlay display time under Settings.
- Added in-app review.
- Hide links helping new users for the Pro version.
2020-08-26 14.73
- Improved camera compatibility.
- Minor bug fixes.
2020-08-21 14.71
- Improved discovery page by separating NVT devices and potentially non-NVT devices.
- Improved PTZ preset UI for TV devices.
2020-08-17 14.69
- The optional TLS (HTTPS) connection's requirements have been tightened per Google's request.
- Improved material design UI.
- Improved the upgrade screen.
2020-07-14 14.67
- New (Pro): import/export multi-view configurations.
- New: button on the notification for viewing the recorded video upon recording completion.
2020-06-24 14.65,14.63(PR), 14.61(PR), 14.59(PR)
- Improved full-screen for multi-view.
- Improved widget updating.
- Improved PTZ handling to prevent ANR.
- Accommodate some cameras with a special requirement for keeping RTSP alive.
- Auto-support for two-way audio of Amcrest cameras.
- Fixed a UI bug of the Settings screen.
- Fixed a minor bug related to the talk button on the setup screen.
2020-04-01 14.57, 14.55(PR)
- Improved PTZ UI.
- Accommodate some cameras deviating from ONVIF protocols.
2020-03-04 14.53, 14.51(PR)
- Improved digital PTZ.
- Fixed a bug of multi-view UI.
2020-02-10 49, 14.47 (PR)
- Improved the UI for alternative license serving those who are unable to purchase the Pro license from either Google Play for Amazon AppStore.
- Fixed a minor bug related to two-way audio.
2020-02-10 14.45, 14.43(PR), 14.41 (PR), 14.39(PR)
- New: recording MP4 video files are stored in a separate folder for each camera per Pro user requests.
- Improved menu display for Android 9 (Pie), 10
2020-01-30 14.37, 14.35 (PR)
- New: always keep widget updating alive (Settings). This prevents Android OS from killing the widget updating service under some circumstances.
2020-01-25 14.33, 14.31, 14.29. 14.27(PR)
- Improved compatibility.
- Improved widget updating and logging.
2020-01-22 14.25
- Improved widget updating.
- Reverted recent changes related to widget updating for the Amazon store version.
2020-01-21 14.23
- Improved widget updating.
- Improved video streaming logging.
2020-01-15 14.21, 14.19 (PR)
- Fixed a few minor bugs.
- Improved UI for the sequence view (Pro).
2020-01-07 14.17
- Improved widget updating.
- Added Chinese translation.
2019-12-27 14.15
- Improved Google Drive support.
- Improved Amazon IAP support.
2019-12-17 14.13
- Improved the localization of the upgrade screen.
- Modified screen background.
2019-12-15 14.11, 14.09 (PR)
- Completed Google Play Billing code update to the latest recommended API.
- Improved device selection UX for multi-view.
2019-12-09 14.07
- Improved compatibility with cameras not strictly ONVIF conformant.
- Accommodated RTSP streams with erroneous audio stream description.
- Accommodated devices with erroneous serial number for Pro trial license requests.
2019-12-08 14.05
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some cameras with unusual requirements.
- Improved the handling of the Google Play glitch related to the Pro license.
2019-12-03 14.03 14.01 (PR)
- Added the alternate Pro license link for users who are unable to download this app or upgrade it via either Google Play or Amazon AppStore.
- Improved the trial option for some devices that provide wrong device IDs.
2019-11-25 13.99, 13.97(PR), 13.95(PR), 13.93(PR), 13.91(PR), 13.89(PR), 13.87(PR), 13.85(PR), 13.83(PR)
- New: Pro version trial for FREE version users.
- Improved RTSP decoder compatibility and reconnection handling.
- Fixed a digital pan/tilt bug.
- Updated many deprecated Android APIs.
2019-11-17 13.85, 13.83(PR)
- New: Pro version trial for FREE version users.
- Improved RTSP decoder compatibility and reconnection handling.
- Updated many deprecated Android APIs.
2019-10-17 13.81
- Migrated to AndroidX laying the foundation for many future improvements.
- Improved backchannel audio reconnection.
- Fixed a bug related to custom media file saving location selection.
2019-10-02 13.79
- Improved multi-view management.
- Improved debug logging to reduce memory footprint.
- Improved timing error handling of the RTSP decoder.
- Improved backchannel audio recovery from connection interruption.
2019-09-15 13.77
- Revamped multi-view configuration management.
- Fixed a custom commands related bug.
- Fixed a debug log bug.
2019-09-06 13.75, 13.73(PR), 13.71(PR)
- New (Pro): digital zoom only option allow camera with opto-mechanical pan/tilt to use digital zoom.
2019-08-23 13.69 (no 13.67)
- Per user requests, the left menu is switched to top tool bar for smaller tablets or large phones in portrait orientation.
- (Pro)Picture-in-Picture keeps digital PTZ state per user requests and hides control overlay as soon as possible.
- Disabled control overlay display by button focus change.
2019-08-15 13.65
- New (Pro): fixing orientation - landscape, portrait, reverse landscape, reverse portrait - for both and multi-view.
- Improved RTSP decoder for H.264/H.265 decoding on Android 5 (Lollipop) or above devices.
2019-08-10 13.63, 13.59 (PR)
- New (Pro): deep link for multi-view per Pro user requests.
- Improved debugging log for multi-view.
2019-08-02 13.57, 13.55, 13.53 (PR), 13.51(PR)
- IMPORTANT: his is the last update for Jelly Bean (Android4.1) devices. We need to raise the minimum supported Android OS to use new features.
- (Pro)Re-enabled PTZ presets for multi-view.
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate the digest authentication of some cameras' RTSP over HTTT streams.
- Improved backchannel outgoing audio support.
- Minor UI improvement for spinners.
2019-07-09 13.49
- Improved RTSP decoder's handling of some abnormal RTSP stream disconnections.
- Improved backchannel audio support to accommodate some cameras.
2019-06-29 13.47
- Improved RTSP decoder to handle multiple concurrent H.26x videos overloading hardware codec.
- Improved backchannel audio handling to accommodate Techwin (Samsung) IP cameras.
- Improved widget display.
- Added release notes to About window.
- Improved ad display for the FREE version.
2019-06-11 13.45, 13.43 (PR) (skipped 13.35, 13.37, 13.39, 13.41 due to Google R8 compatibility issue with Amazon In-App Purchasing (IAP) 2.0 )
- New (Pro): automatic recording per Pro user requests. You can turn on automatic recording on Settings screen. Once it is one, recording starts automatically for both single-view and multi-view. This is particularly useful for users who want to turn an Android device into an NVR. You can have the recordings uploaded to cloud (Google Drive) automatically as explained by our article. This is equivalent to many cloud storage services that require monthly payments.
- Improved back-channel audio support, especially for devices supporting ONVIF media 2 service.
2019-06-10 13.43 (skipped 13.35, 13.37, 13.39, 13.41 due to Google R8 compatibility issue with Amazon In-App Purchasing (IAP) 2.0 )
- New (Pro): automatic recording per Pro user requests. You can turn on automatic recording on Settings screen. Once it is one, recording starts automatically for both single-view and multi-view. This is particularly useful for users who want to turn an Android device into an NVR. You can have the recordings uploaded to cloud (Google Drive) automatically as explained by our article. This is equivalent to many cloud storage services that require monthly payments.
- Improved back-channel audio support, especially for devices supporting ONVIF media 2 service.
2019-05-18 13.33
- Improved outgoing audio UI to accommodate RTSP streams not supporting required backchannel.
2019-05-07 13.29, 13.27(PR), 13.25(PR), 13.23(PR), 13.21(PR)
- (Pro)Added the support for ONVIF backchannel outgoing audio.
- Improved outgoing audio UI (hold microphone to send outgoing audio).
- Improved ONVIF profile and video encoder editing.
- Improved UI of single-view and multi-view.
2019-04-08 13.19
- Corrected many hyperlinks related to deceased Google+.
- Announcement of step-by-step instructions to use Google Drive as IP cameras' cloud storage.
2019-04-05 13.17 (no 13.15)
- Improved profile editing.
- Improved explore for ONVIF Media 2 service.
- Improved snapshot to accommodate ONVIF Media 2 service.
- Fixed a bug related H.265 for generic RTSP video streams.
- Accommodate a certain screen setting of Android Pie (Android 9).
2019-03-22 13.13
- Allow switching hardware/software codec for H.265 video.
- Fixed a minor bug related to focus.
2019-03-08 13.07, 13.05(PR), 13.03 (PR)
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate certain abnormal RTSP streams.
- Improved device list import/export to accommodate D-pad.
2019-02-26 13.01, 12.97 (PR), 12.95(PR)
- Accommodated D-pad for PTZ control button.
- Improved the share activity.
- Improved device list import/export to accommodate some Android devices.
- Improved audio latency.
- Added Fire 4K TV devices to the supported device list.
2019-02-15 12.93
- Improved UI.
- Improved discovery.
2019-01-25 12.91
- Added Amazon ad bar for the FREE version.
- Improved discovery.
2019-01-18 12.89, 12.87(PR), 12.85 (PR)
- New: reverse landscape and reverse portrait modes for screen orientation lock (single-view).
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate Lorex cameras.
- Improved compatibility with some ONVIF devices deviating from ONVIF protocols.
2019-01-02 12.83, 12.81 (partial roll-out), 12.79 (partial roll-out)
- Fixed a focus control bug.
- Improved reconnection of MJPEG decoder.
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some H.264 encoding.
2019-01-05 12.77
- New (Pro): diagonal pan/tilt buttons (upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right).
- UI improvement for focus and PTZ presets.
2018-12-14 12.75 12.73 (PR)
- (Pro)Added PTZ home button
- Improved Profile G support to accommodate some devices.
2018-12-07 12.71
- Improved high resolution (> 2MP) H.265 video decoding.
- (new Pro): ONVIF Media 2 video encoder editing.
2018-12-07 12.69
- Fixed a bug related to sequence view.
- Fixed a video test bug.
- Further improvement of Profile G support.
2018-12-02 12.67 12.65 (Partil roll-out)
- Improved the UI of device recordings (edge storage).
2018-11-11 12.63
- Revamped PTZ preset UI.
- Improved preliminary support for Profile G (edge storage) further.
2018-11-03 12.61
- Improved preliminary support for Profile G (edge storage).
- Improved RTSP decoder.
- Improved handling of recording finish after activity exit.
2018-11-02 2.59
- Accommodate quick PTZ button tap.
- Preliminary support of Profile G.
2018-10-26 2.57, 2.55(PR), 12.53 (PR)
- New (Pro): the option to disable PTZ gesture for both single-view and multi-view.
- Improved single view orientation configuration.
- Improved compatibility with some ONVIF devices deviating from ONVIF protocols in analytics configuration.
2018-10-03 12.51
- German translation is kindly provided by Mr. Jörg Trampert and Mr. Dominik Trampert (trampert. joerg@gmail. com).
- Die deutsche Übersetzung wird freundlicherweise von Herrn Jörg Trampert und Herrn Dominik Trampert (trampert. joerg@gmail. com) zur Verfügung gestellt.
- Improved WAN access configuration instructions for multiple cameras to asscociate forwarded ports with camera IP addresses.
2018-09-30 12.49, 12.47(PR), 12.45(PR)
- New (Pro): the option to hide PTZ control overlay in multi-view.
2018-09-29 2.43, 12.41 (PR)
- New: Pro license key purchase outside the app for those who are unable to upgrade through in-app purchase from Google Play or Amazon.
- Accommodating a bug of LeMobile devices.
2018-09-14 2.39, 2.37 (partial roll-out)
- Korean translation is kindly provided by Mr. Jinseob Kim(jskim@sscctv.com) from SeeEyes (sscctv.com), the leader of IP Camera installation tools.
- 한국어 번역은 IP 카메라 설치 툴을 제작하는 SeeEyes(sscctv.com)의 김진섭(jskim@sscctv.com)이 제공하였습니다.
2018-09-10 2.35
- Improved hardware codec handling.
2018-09-05 2.33, 12.31 (partial roll-out), 12.29 (partial roll-out)
- New (Pro): deactivated devices will have a gray dot as the online indicator.
2018-09-05 2.29
- New (Pro): deactivated devices will have a gray dot as the online indicator.
2018-08-25 2.27
- Improved single-view UI to accommodate different locations of the navigation bar.
2018-08-24 2.25
- Corrected an ad issue for the FREE version.
2018-08-17 2.23, 2.21 (Aborted)
- Improved the control overlay of the video streaming screen.
2018-08-16 12.19
- New (Pro): circular scrolling for single-view.
2018-08-05 12.17
- Fixed a few bugs that affected a very small number of users.
2018-07-30 12.15
- New (Pro): deactivate a device configuration.
2018-07-25 12.13
- New (Pro): selected devices for export.
- Improved the RTSP decoder to handle a time stamp issue to avoid video stream restarting.
2018-07-17 12.11
- New (Pro): selected devices for export.
- Improved compatibility with some devices that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2018-06-26 12.09, 12.07 (partial roll-out), 12.05 (partial roll-out), 12.03 (partial roll-out)
- New for FREE version: Consent form to comply with the GDPR for the European Economic Area (EEA).
2018-06-05 12.01
- Improved profile editing to accommodate ONVIF Media 2.
- Changed widget image scale mode to fill the entire widget.
- Improved RTSP decoder to handle certain severe stream corruption.
2018-05-26 11.99, 11.97(partial rollout), 11.95 (partial rollout)
- New: ONVIF Media 2 support.
2018-05-04 11.93
- New (Pro): picture-in-picture single-view for Android 8 (Oreo) or higher.
2018-05-04 11.91
- Fixed a bug related to scaling.
- Improved the handling of Android multi-window mode making the transition smoother by avoiding restarting a video stream.
- Removed the focus button for non-ONVIF cameras.
2018-05-04 11.89 (partial roll-out)
- New (Pro): video streaming in Android multi-window.
- Improved video streaming window focus background color.
- Removed device selection for single-view. It was a bug.
2018-05-02 11.87
- New (Pro): custom commands.
- Improved widget updating for Android 8 devices.
2018-04-20 11.85
- Improved the support for H.265.
- Persisting digital PTZ status after the app is sent to the background.
- Improved the UI for the device setup screen.
- Improved the debugging log to avoid duplicates.
- Changed the start number of device tile index on the home screen from 0 to 1.
2018-04-11 11.83. 11.81 (partial roll-out)
- New: support for ONVIF Profile C devices (i.e. Physical Access Control Systems for controlling doors, etc.).
2018-03-30 11.79
- Fixed a multi-view problem for some Android 7 (Nougat) devices.
- Support for G.711 Wideband (16KHz sampling rate).
- Improved audio decoder compatibility.
2018-03-21 11.77
- New (Pro): deep link for starting video streaming from another app.
- Improved WAN access instructions.
- Improved optional device information sharing.
- Added Win IP Camera commands to the debugging log.
2018-03-17 11.75
- New (Pro): Grid view button for full-screen mode of multi-view for exiting full-screen in addition to using the back button.
- Option to allow users to share the brands and models of their devices.
- Improved home screen menu.
- Added Win IP Camera commands to the debugging log.
2018-02-27 11.73
- New: Estonian translation is kindly provided by Mr. Olari Saul (Olari.saul@gmail.com).
- Improved home page UI and the appearance of all buttons.
2018-02-23 11.71, 11.69 (partial roll-out)
- New: Ukrainian translation is kindly provided by Минин Максим(maksym.minin@gmail.com).
- (Pro)Improved media file saving location handling for Android Lollipop and above.
2018-02-17 11.67, 11.65(partial roll-out)
- New (Pro): buttons on the single-view screen to switch to the previous or next device on the list of the configurations.
2018-02-12 11.63, 11.61(partial roll-out), 11.59(partial roll-out)
- New (Pro): a button at the center to turn on video for audio-only streaming.
- Removed PTZ control overlay for audio-only streaming.
2018-02-07 11.57, 11.55 (partial roll-out), 11.53 (partial roll-out)
- New (Pro): audio only streaming.
- Fixed a bug related to adding an RTSP stream to multi-view.
2018-02-05 11.51, 11.49 (partial roll-out)
- New: per user feedback, a device will be removed from all multi-views containing it if its address has been modified.
- Fixed a bug for app widget updating.
2018-02-02 11.47, 11.45 (partial roll-out)
- New: support for some PTZ cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
- Increased app gadget background image resolution.
2018-01-29 11.43
- Improved PTZ UI.
- Fixed bugs related to debugging log emailing and device list export, device orientation change.
2018-01-27 11.41
- Urgent fix for Win IP Camera support in multi-view.
- Restored audio for Win IP Camera.
2018-01-26 11.39
- Improved RTSP decoder for decoding H.265.
- Improved tile rearranging UI.
- Restored snapshot grabbing at the end of each video streaming session.
2018-01-23 11.37. 11.35 (partial roll-out), 11.33 (partial roll-out), 11.31 (unreleased)
- Single-view UI has been revamped to conclude project Gabriel - making Onvier TV friendly.
2018-01-15 V11.29, V11.27 (partially rolled out)
- Play/pause, recording and stretch for individual cameras in multi-view.
- Improved the UI of tile rearranging screen.
- (Pro) Improved the UI of profile selection for the multi-view.
2018-01-12 V11.25 V11.23(partial roll-out)
- Improved the digital PTZ of the multi-view
- Improved the Explore screens to make them TV friendly.
- Improved generic RTSP configuration.
- Improved the reorder screen UI
2018-01-11 V11.21
- New (Pro): PTZ presets and focus control in multi-view.
- Further improvement of multi-view UI.
- Setup screen UI improvement.
2018-01-06 V11.19, 11.17 (partially rolled out)
- Multi-view UI has been improved significantly.
2017-12-29 V11.15, 11.13 (partially rolled out)
- New: French translation – a kind New Year gift to French speaking users from Mr. Jean Bruder(jean_bruder@hotmail.com).
- New: Unconfigured devices are marked with green border on the discovery screen.
2017-12-20 V11.11
- New: Dutch translation – a kind Christmas gift to Dutch speaking users from Koen Zomers (koen@zomers.eu – www.koenzomers.nl – www.koenzomers.nl ) and Elmer Verrijssen (onvifer@elversoft.com - https://elversoft.com - Elversoft)
2017-12-14 V11.09
- New: Polish translation – a kind holiday season gift to Polish users by Mr. Paweł Łukasik (onvifer@lookasik.eu)
2017-12-08 V11.07
- Fixed a bug related to discovered non-ONVIF devices.
2017-12-07 V11.05
- Support for Win IP Camera
- Significant improvement of MJPeg decoder performance.
2017-12-03 V11.03
- New (Pro): option to adjust maximum recording length (1 - 60 minutes) on Settings screen.
2017-11-18 V11.01
- New: option to overwrite snapshot port for ONVIF devices.
2017-11-11 V10.99
- New: camera web home page URI is displayed on the ONVIF setup screen for your convenience. Pro version users can copy the URI to the clipboard or open the web page.
2017-11-03 V10.97
- New: snapshot URI is displayed on the ONVIF setup screen per user request. Pro version users can copy the URI to the clipboard or open the snapshot web page.
2017-10-26 V10.95
- New (Pro): modifying existing PTZ presets.
2017-10-20 V10.93
- New: Slovenian translation.
2017-10-20 V10.93
- New: Slovenian translation.
2017-10-13 V10.91
- Improved performance and error handling.
2017-10-06 V10.89
- Fixed a bug that caused crashes on a few devices.
2017-10-06 V10.87
- New: New: camera switch button in each window of multi-view.
- Improved error handling.
2017-09-27 V10.85
- New (Pro): allowing changing the location label of an ONVIF device.
- Improved UI response.
- Removed the obsolete Google+ button.
2017-09-22 V10.83
- New (Pro): allowing changing the location label of an ONVIF device.
- Improved UI response.
- Removed the obsolete Google+ button.
2017-09-16 V10.81
- Fixed a minor bug related to changing the location label.
2017-09-15 V10.79
- New (Pro): allowing changing the location label of an ONVIF device.
- Improved error handling.
2017-09-08 V10.77
- New (Pro): allowing changing H.264 decoder from the default hardware decoder to a software decoder.
- Improved error handling to avoid some rare crashes.
2017-09-03 V10.75
- Fixed a bug that may cause crash under some unusual circumstances.
2017-09-01 V10.73
- Fixed bug for generic RTSP stream introduced in the partially rolled out V10.71.
2017-09-01 V10.71
- New (Pro): allowing changing media profile during single-view streaming.
- Restored snapshot updating after streaming for devices that do not support snapshot.
2017-08-25 V10.69
- New(Pro): Turn on/off always-on for the video streaming screen.
2017-08-17 V10.67
- Added a link to the Windows Version to the home screen menu.
- Improved error handling.
2017-08-11 V10.65
- Portuguese translation.
- Fixed a minor bug of multi-view configuration management.
2017-08-03 V10.63
- Improved control overlay of single-view.
- Improved Russian translation.
- Improved Spanish translation.
2017-07-27 V10.61
- Improved presets UI.
- Replaced a third-party API with our own for obtaining the public IP used in WAN access instructions for users.
2017-07-20 V10.59
- Spanish translation.
2017-07-10 V10.57
- Option to select a language other than the default one (under Settings).
- Added focus reset (i.e. enable auto-focus) for ONVIF devices(Pro).
- Improved device discovery to count only ONVIF devices.
- Increased the transparency of the background logo image of the home page.
2017-07-06 V10.55
- New: Russian translation is kindly provided by Минин Максим(maksym.minin@gmail.com). Русскую локализацию интерфейса любезно предоставил Минин Максим (maksym.minin@gmail.com).
- Added About screen to the phone UI
- Improved snapshot status UI for the sequence view (Pro).
2017-06-07 V10.53
Italian translation is kindly provided by ipDoor (info@ipdoor.com), a leader in IP Door Phones. Access Control and Home Automation Solution.
La traduzione in Italiano è gentilmente offerta da ipDoor (info@ipdoor.com), il leader nella Videocitofonia IP e nelle soluzioni Domotiche.
2017-06-03 V10.51
- New (Pro): connectivity indicator on device tiles.
- Improved error handling.
2017-06-02 V10.49
- Partial roll-out.
2017-05-30 V10.47
- New (Pro): app launch button in multi-view.
2017-05-26 V10.45
- New (Pro): stretch mode "Fill" in addition to "Full-screen" and "Full Image" to the stretch modes.
2017-05-23 V10.43
- New (Pro): PTZ sensitivity adjustment.
2017-05-15 V10.41
- Fixed a bug related to orientation setting for single-view.
- Fixed a bug related to ONVIF PTZ device setup.
- Improved error handling for multi-view.
2017-05-14 V10.39
- Fixed a bug related to multi-view.
2017-05-14 V10.37
- Improved error handling.
2017-05-13 V10.35
- Fixed a bug related to multi-view.
2017-05-12 V10.33
- Improved G.711 audio decoder.
- Improved ONVIF device setup for those devices requiring slow ONVIF requests.
2017-05-05 V10.31
- New (Pro): persisting audio settings over video streaming sessions.
- Improved multi-view UI.
2017-05-02 V10.29
- Improved UI for FireTV.
- Fixed a bug that can potentially cause crashes for the Pro versions after checking the license status on the home screen.
2017-04-27 V10.27
- Improved the snapshot function to use the specified media profile.
- Improved WAN access instructions.
2017-04-23 V10.25
- Support for IPv6.
- Fixed a bug introduced in V10.23 that affects a small number of ONVIF models that require clock sync.
2017-04-22 V10.23
- Fixed a bug introduced in V10.21 that affects setting up ONVIF devices on LANs.
2017-04-21 V10.21
- New (Pro): hard-reset to factory default for ONVIF devices.
- Improved recording UI.
- Improved multi-view reliability.
2017-04-11 V10.19
- Improved the home screen and video streaming screen UI.
2017-04-10 V10.17
- Fixed some minor bugs introduced in the previous version.
2017-04-10 V10.15
- Improved the home screen UI for tablets.
2017-04-03 V10.13
- Added WAN access instructions.
2017-04-01 V10.11
- Improved focus adjustment.
2017-03-31 V10.09
- Added focus adjustment (Pro). This feature relies on the ONVIF Imaging Service. Only some models of major brands support this.
- Added address/URL to the video information.
2017-03-23 V10.07
- Fixed bugs that prevents going back from Settings screen under some circumstances.
2017-03-18 V10.05
- Fixed bugs related to app lock.
2017-03-17 V10.03
- Added app lock feature (Pro).
2017-03-10 V10.01
- Improved the sequence view.
2017-02-10 V9.99
- Additional improvement of PTZ control.
- Added copy button to video information display.
2017-02-07 V9.97
- Improved PTZ.
2017-02-03 V9.95
- New (Pro): Option to include or exclude audio in multi-view recording.
2017-02-01 V9.93
- New (Pro): TLS (a.k.a. SSL, HTTPS) support (option on the device add/edit screen).
2017-01-17 V9.91
- New (Pro): volume indicator for each individual video with audio turned on in multi-view.
2017-01-12 V9.89
- New (Pro): Persisting audio setting for each individual video in multi-view.
2017-01-09 V9.87
- New: H.265 (a.k.a. HEVC) video recording.
- Expanded support for H.265 to ensure all Lollipop and above Android devices support H.265.
- Accommodated some cameras that cannot handle ONVIF services and RTSP handshake simultaneously.
2016-12-26 V9.85
- New (Pro): Retrieving system log for ONVIF devices.
2016-12-19 V9.83
- New (Pro): Retrieving access log for ONVIF devices .
2016-12-14 V9.81
- Improved the multi-view UI to accommodate the hidden navigation bar.
- Reduced debugging log further to improve performance.
2016-12-13 V9.79
- Fixed an RTSP decoder related bug.
2016-12-12 V9.77
- Added the feature to launch a media file browsing app directly from within the app.
- Restored the code to accommodate some non-standard H.264 RTSP streams.
2016-12-11 V9.75
- Turned off some debugging logging to improve performance.
2016-12-11 V9.73
- Fixed a few bugs causing crashes under rare circumstances.
- Restored certain code to accommodate non-standard RTSP video stream.
2016-12-10 V9.71
- Fixed a bug related to widget.
2016-12-09 V9.69
- Support for H.265 video.
- Improved UI to accommodate remote control.
- Improved UI for setting multi-view as the startup activity.
- Fixed a three bugs that cause app crash under very rare circumstances.
2016-11-29 V9.67
- Fixed an H.264 video stream snapshot related bug.
2016-11-28 V9.65
- (Pro)Two-way audio support for supported devices.
- Improved UI for multi-view in device and media profile selection.
2016-11-15 V9.63
- (Pro)Full screen (hiding status bar, navigation bar and tool bar) for the sequence view.
- Fixed a bug that may cause crash for multi-view under some rare circumstances.
2016-11-01 V9.61
- Hide the status bar, tool bar and navigation bar for multi-view.
- Accommodate some NVTs' ONVIF PTZ service port for WAN access.
- Discontinued support for Android Ice Cream Sandwich.
- Changed the minimum API level from 13 to 16
2016-10-27 V9.59
- Improved the home screen UI for large screen devices.
- Fixed a bug related to the upgrade function for large screen devices.
2016-10-26 V9.57
- Improved the home screen UI for large screen devices.
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some IP camera video streams deviating from the RTSP protocol.
- Improved the debugging display UI.
- Discontinued support for early versions of Honeycomb (Android 3.0, 3.1).
2016-10-21 V9.55
- Fixed a bug related to the display of the recording button on devices with a navigation bar at the bottom.
2016-10-20 V9.53
- New (Pro): Unrestricted recording for both single-view and multi-view.
- Deleting the oldest MP4 file when free storage space is below 1 GB.
- Addressed a potential crash issue caused by an OS bug of KitKat (Android 4.4)
2016-10-14 V9.51
- New (Pro): Individual snapshot for each channel in multi-view.
- Improved synchronized snapshot function for multi-view to include H.264 video channels.
- (Pro) Improved the custom option for the media file saving location with a higher level root directory.
- Support for RTSP JPEG with resolutions beyond the limit specified by RFC 2435 (RTP Payload Format for JPEG-compressed Video).
- Fixed a bug related to multi-view video recording.
2016-10-07 V9.49
- Improved the UI of multi-view for media profile selection to accommodate low resolution devices.
- Keep screen on for sequence view.
2016-10-07 V9.47
- Fixed a bug related to add/edit generic RTSP stream.
2016-10-07 V9.45
- (Pro):Individual audio control for each channel in multi-view.
- (Pro):PTZ (digital or opto-mechanical) for each channel in multi-view without bringing it to full-screen.
- Improved multi-view UI.
2016-09-26 V9.43
- (Pro) saving the rotation state for JPEG encoded video.
- Fixed a bug related to video information display.
2016-09-20 V9.41
- (Pro) saving the rotation state for JPEG encoded video.
- Fixed a bug related to video information display.
2016-09-09 V9.39
- Accommodate VPN connection for LAN checking.
- Fixed a bug related to snapshot saving.
2016-09-09 V9.37
- (Pro) Added the sequence view mode to the multi-view.
- Added multi-view editing.
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some RTSP videos sending audio data as video packets erroneously.
2016-09-06 V9.35
- (Pro) Added the option to select a specific directory for media file saving.
2016-09-02 V9.33
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some network camera models.
- Improved PTZ to accommodate some PTZ cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
- Improved the UI of the setup screen.
2016-08-25 V9.31
- Added profile editing to the setup screen (Pro).
2016-08-01 V9.29
- Improved device discovery for Kitkat and above Android devices.
- Fixed a bug related to the toolbar of the video streaming screen.
2016-07-29 V9.27
- New (Pro): option to start Onvier on reboot(under Settings).
2016-07-22 V9.25
- Added the option to auto-start multi-view.
- Improved the error reporting of the RTSP decoder.
2016-07-14 V9.23
- Simplified media profile selection by merging H.264 and JPEG profiles.
- Improved error handling for multi-view recording (Pro).
- Improved RTSP decoder for H.264 codec error handling.
- Update for Ginger Bread (Android 2.3) devices has ended. These devices can still install V9.21.
2016-07-08 V9.21
- (Pro) Screen recording for multi-view for Lollipop (Android 5.0) and above devices.
- Improved RTSP decoder.
2016-07-03 V9.19
- Improved RTSP decoder.
- Improved home page UI.
2016-06-30 V9.17
- Fixed a bug for the debugging log.
- Improved the RTSP decoder for handling high load.
- Added real-time updating of the video information window of the multi-view for the Pro version.
2016-06-28 V9.15
- Added support for ultra-HD JPEG RTSP.
- Fixed a minor bug of RTSP decoder.
- Added H.264 related information to the profile selection of the multi-view (Pro)
2016-06-23 V9.13
- G.711 audio is now supported for recording per requests by some Pro version users.
- Pro version's recording time limit for each session has been increased to 1 hour. The free version's is 2 minutes.
2016-06-13 V9.11
- Improved ONVIF device discovery to accommodate some devices that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2016-06-10 V9.09
- Network service discovery has been added to accommodate some ONVIF devices that do not support ONVIF discovery.
- Improved the RTSP decoder to enhance lost connection recovery.
2016-05-30 V9.07
- Improved video streaming feedback message.
- Fixed a bug for video information display.
2016-05-26 V9.05
- (Pro) Video information display for each video in multi-view.
- Improved RTSP decoder to prevent packet loss and handle incorrect packet dropping of some devices.
2016-05-21 V9.03
- New (Pro): video information updated in real-time.
- Improved file saving for Marshmallow devices.
2016-05-19 V9.01
- Fixed a bug related to multi-view.
2016-05-19 V8.99
- Improved media file saving location selection feature.
2016-05-15 V8.97
- New(Pro): select media file saving location: internal, SD card, USB drive.
- Fixed a multi-view medial profile selection related bug.
2016-05-12 V8.95
- New(Pro): select media profile for each video of multi-view.
- Fixed a bug related to retrieving the transport protocol of saved configurations.
- Added prompt for saving changes for the ONVIF device add/edit page.
- Fixed some typos.
2016-05-10 V8.93
- Improved video/audio encoder editing via ONVIF service.
2016-05-06 V8.91
- New (Pro): Soft-reset to Factory Default for ONVIF device. The original fast device discovery has been restored.
2016-04-28 V8.89
- Fixed a minor bug for the multi-view debugging log.
2016-04-28 V8.87
- Added debugging log function to the multi-view.
- Fixed a recording related bug that stops video streaming.
- Fixed a device discovery related bug.
2016-04-27 V8.85
- Improved app performance.
- Stopped supporting an obsolete ONVIF transport protocol that has been deprecated for more than 5 years.
- Fixed a minor device discovery bug.
2016-04-22 V8.83
- New for the Pro version: the option to use H.264 as the default video type for the multi-view of ONVIF devices.
- Improved Settings UI.
2016-04-04 V8.81
- Fixed a bug that caused excessive repeating of certain message.
- Changed the orientation option "Auto" to "Default" that accepts the orientation option set in Android's settings.
2016-03-30 V8.79
- Improved the control overlay of the video streaming screen.
- Improved the timeout error handling of the RTSP decoder.
2016-02-29 V8.77
- Enhanced the compatibility of PTZ functions by addressing a non-stopping issue for certain models.
- Addressed a potential suspension issue caused by the ad bar of the free version.
2016-02-18 V8.75
- Added public IP address information to help WAN access setup.
2016-02-11 V8.73
- Removed a device discovery mechanism because it may cause crash on a small number of devices. It only affects device discovery under certain rare conditions.
- Added a link to the article "How to set up a network camera (a.k.a. IP camera)" for new users.
- Improved the home screen UI.
2016-01-26 V8.71
- Addressed an issue that may cause crash on Android Lollipop.
2016-01-25 V8.69
- This is the last update supporting Android 2.3
- Improved RTSP decoder for JPEG encoded video streams.
- Improved the discovery page UI.
- Improved ONVIF device discovery performance and reliability.
- Improved the UI for Android OS older than 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
2016-01-07 V8.67
- Enhanced compatibility with devices that deviate form standards.
- Improved the action bar for video streaming.
2016-01-02 V8.65
- Fixed a minor bug for error logging.
2016-01-02 V8.63
- Enhanced compatibility with devices that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
- Improved error handling.
2015-12-16 V8.61
- Addressed an action bar display issue that potentially affects some devices with very low resolutions.
2015-12-14 V8.59
- Per user request, the video information of the single-view screen now includes all the required ports. It is also copied to the clipboard for your convenience.
2015-12-07 V8.57
- Per user request, the video information of the single-view screen now includes all the required ports. It is also copied to the clipboard for your convenience.
2015-11-23 V8.55
- Added port information to the video test results of all setup screens (ONVIF, Generic RTSP, Generic MJPEG), and made the results copied to the clipboard.
2015-11-13 V8.53
- Fixed a bug related to ad display.
2015-11-12 V8.51
- PTZ has been improved to accommodate devices that have long PTZ command response times resulting in excessive PTZ changes.
- Improved the support for some PTZ devices deviating from ONVIF PTZ specs.
2015-11-06 V8.49
- Added port information to the ONVIF setup page.
- Accommodate a model with malformed ONVIF responses.
2015-10-30 V8.47
- Improved MJPEG setup UI.
2015-10-23 V8.45
- Improved discovery.
2015-10-14 V8.43
- Improved RTSP setup UI.
- Improved compatibility with a certain type of RTSP stream that deviates from the standard.
2015-10-12 V8.41
- Improved home screen UI.
- Improved RTSP reconnection.
- Improved ONVIF device setup screen UI.
- Added debugging log to the home screen.
2015-10-03 V8.39
- Improved error handling to address two reported crashes.
- Improved re-connection handling for H.264 streams.
- Improved debugging log.
2015-09-29 V8.37
- Improved reconnection handling.
- Added orientation information to the debugging log.
2015-09-26 V8.35
- Accommodate a certain type of non-standard RTSP video stream.
- Improved disconnection handling for MJPEG.
2015-09-24 V8.33
- Improved video testing.
- Improved video replay after recording.
- Improved the reliability of Onvier widgets.
2015-09-20 V8.31
- Fixed a bug affecting some models with a special type of AAC audio.
2015-09-19 V8.29
- Improved AAC audio support.
- Fixed a minor inconsequential bug introduced in V8.27.
2015-09-18 V8.27
- Improved the video streaming UI.
2015-09-15 V8.25
- Added the option to hide the control overlay.
2015-09-11 V8.23
- Removed the display of minimally useful information for the video streaming screen.
- Fixed a bug of RTSP decoder that causes occasional H.264 frame distortion or drop.
- Fixed a bug that disabled the display of ONVIF NVT list.
2015-09-11 V8.21
- Improved the touch response of PTZ buttons.
- Improved partial frame filtering for some RTSP stream servers deviating from standards.
- Improved timeout handling for Foscam cameras.
2015-09-09 V8.19
- An Onvier widget now will show an image regardless of whether the device supports the snapshot function.
- Fixed a bug for PTZ on older Android devices.
2015-09-08 V8.17
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some NVTs with packet loss while using lossless protocols.
- Fixed a bug related to device wake-up.
- Added copying to the clipboard for sending the debugging log.
2015-09-04 V8.15
- Fixed a bug related to Pan/Tilt for certain camera models.
2015-09-03 V8.13
- Fixed a minor bug related to video streaming orientation setting.
2015-08-31 V8.11
- Fixed a bug that may cause crash under very rare circumstances.
2015-08-30 V8.09
- Fixed a bug related to widget updating.
- Fixed a bug to video encoder editing.
2015-08-30 V8.07
- Set widget update intervals for both mobile connection and non-mobile connection.
2015-08-26 V8.05
- Multi-view streaming will not restart upon device orientation change.
2015-08-17 V8.03
- Onvier widgets now show entire snapshots, not cropped ones filling the widgets.
2015-08-15 V8.01
- Fixed a bug related to pending ONVIF device setup.
2015-08-15 V7.99
- New function(Pro): Delete all devices.
- Improved streaming URL translation and video startup time.
- Improved the UI of import from/export to Google Drive to show the progress.
2015-08-12 V7.97
- No video restarting upon device orientation change.
2015-08-08 V7.95
- Export/import device configurations to/from Google Drive directly (Pro).
- Removed an error prompt for some cameras.
2015-08-03 V7.93
- Improved MP4 Recording.
2015-08-03 V7.91
- Fixed a bug related to snapshot.
2015-08-03 V7.89
- Accommodates some ONVIF devices which snapshot functions deviate significantly from standards.
- Improved IP address validation.
2015-07-24 V7.87
- Added RTSP port overwriting.
- Improved the UI of the control overlay for the video streaming screen.
- Modified RTST decoder to accommodate certain NVTs that have non-standard RTSP streams.
2015-07-19 V7.85
- Fixed a bug related to Onvier widgets
- Improved device list exporting.
2015-07-19 V7.83
- Improved home screen UI.
- Improved the control overlay of the video screen.
2015-07-18 V7.81
- Fixed a tile text issue for Lollipop devices.
2015-07-18 V7.79
- Improved the font sizing of home screen tiles.
2015-07-17 V7.77
- Improved home screen tile UI.
- Improved error handling.
2015-07-17 V7.75
- Fixed a bug related to home screen tile updating.
2015-07-17 V7.73
- Improved the backup snapshot function to accommodate single-core Android devices.
- Improved home screen tile touch responses.
- Improved startup device configuration.
2015-07-16 V7.71
- Added PTZ preset adding and deleting features.
2015-07-13 V7.69
- Improved PTZ features to accommodate some NVTs.
2015-07-10 V7.67
- Removed the PTZ presets window for non-PTZ NVTs.
2015-07-10 V7.65
- Limits the PTZ presets feature to the Pro version.
2015-07-10 V7.63
- Added PTZ presets feature.
2015-07-06 V7.61
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some cameras.
- Improved video testing.
2015-07-05 V7.59
- Improved reconnection.
- Fixed a bug related to the recording for a very small number of models.
2015-07-03 V7.57
- Fixed a bug that brings some debug features into the release version.
2015-07-02 V7.55
- Fixed a bug related to RTSP streams from Axis cameras.
- Improved the UI of settings.
2015-07-02 V7.53
- Added setup flowchart.
2015-06-25 V7.51
- Added a small size widget in addition to the medium one.
- Widgets have been made resizable.
- Remembers the stretch mode (full-screen or full image).
2015-06-20 V7.49
- Expanded the widget support to all types of devices including generic RTSP and MJPEG in addition to ONVIF.
- Fixed a minor bug related to audio.
- Fixed a minor bug related to RTSP decoder.
2015-06-18 V7.47
- Further improvement of RTSP decoder performance.
- Added audio type to the video information.
2015-06-16 V7.45
- Fixed some minor bugs related to RTSP decoder and profile editing.
2015-06-08 V7.43
- Added data rate to the video information display.
2015-06-05 V7.41
- Expanded the support for AAC audio.
- Further improved of RTSP decoder.
2015-06-04 V7.39
- Added FPS to the video information display.
- Fixed a minor bug of H.264 demuxer.
2015-06-02 V7.37
- Improved RTSP decoder performance further.
- Fixed a bug related to playing recorded MP4 files.
2015-05-19 V7.35
- Fixed the G.711 A-law audio noise problem.
2015-05-18 V7.33
- Improved re-connection handling.
2015-05-16 V7.31
- Improved reliability for RTSP streams requiring authentication.
- Improved ONVIF service port handling to accommodate some uncommon port configurations.
2015-05-09 V7.29
- Fixed a bug affecting a very small number of models.
2015-05-08 V7.27
- Accommodate a very small number of models with special H.264 information.
2015-05-04 V7.25
- Further improvement of RTSP decoder performance.
- Reduced memory footprint to accommodate low-end devices.
2015-05-03 V7.23
- Fixed a bug related the snapshot function of H.264 stream.
2015-05-02 V7.21
- Improved RTSP decoder performance further.
2015-05-01 V7.19
- Improved the performance for HD H.264 video streaming at hight FPS.
2015-04-25 V7.17
- Accommodate certain port forwarding configuration.
- Improved video test.
2015-04-13 V7.15
- Added support for G.711 a-law audio.
- Fixed a bug related to H.264 streaming for older Android devices.
- Fixed a bug related the display of media profile capability and media streaming capabilities.
2015-03-17 V7.13
- Accommodating some ONVIF devices with non-standard RTSP implementation.
2015-03-14 V7.11
- Improved home screen response to orientation change.
- Improved error handling for Android 2.3.x devices.
- Improved debugging log.
2015-03-01 V7.09
- Fixed bugs related to Android 2.3 devices and streaming capabilities page.
2015-02-25 V7.07
- Added the share page.
- Improved compatibility with some Android TV devices.
- Removed two permissions (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) that were added by mistake to V7.03 due to a third-party ad SDK.
2015-02-23 V7.05
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some Android devices.
- Improve the control overlay of the video screen.
2015-02-22 V7.03
- The function of Pan/Tilt buttons (i.e. the four arrows) have been restored.
- Discovery now supports multiple instances of NVT from the same device.
2015-02-16 V7.01
- Export/import device list.
- Customize device tiles by showing or hiding snapshot timestamp or device model of a ONVIF device.
2015-02-11 V6.99
- Improved RTSP authentication compatibility.
- Improved error handling.
2015-02-05 V6.97
- Fixed bug causing crashing the app for Android 2.3 devices.
2015-02-05 V6.95
- The navigation bar is hidden by default for the screen of video streaming per user feedback.
2015-02-03 V6.93
- Improved the launcher icon.
- Improved error handling.
2015-02-02 V6.91
- Fixed a launcher icon issue for some devices.
- Improved the home screen UI.
2015-01-29 V6.89
- Improved video streaming.
- Improved home screen UI.
2015-01-29 V6.87
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate some high H.264 profiles.
- Improved video display UI.
2015-01-28 V6.85
- Added tile reorder function(Pro only).
- Improved RTSP decoder.
2015-01-26 V6.83
- Improved the UI of video display.
- Improved editing saving.
2015-01-24 V6.81
- Fixed a bug related to the snapshot function.
2015-01-24 V6.79
- Improved the RTSP decoder to accommodate some Android devices.
- Improved error handling.
2015-01-23 V6.77
- Improved UI drop-down lists and expandable lists.
- Improved RTSP decoder.
2015-01-21 V6.75
- Improved network interface editing function to accommodate some cameras.
- Improved H.264 decoder to minimize the start time.
- Improved the post-run cleaning of the RTSP decoder.
2015-01-20 V6.73
- Onvier will try to grab a frame from the video stream for snapshot, and resort to the use of snapshot URL only if the grabbing fails.
2015-01-19 V6.71
- To accommodate devices lacking the default snapshot support, Onvier will try to grab a snapshot at the end of each video streaming session.
- Network interface information has been added to the explorer.
2015-01-11 V6.69
- Improved the UIs of the home screen, video play screen and device setup screen.
- Improved the debugging log.
- Hide the status bar for the video play screen.
2015-01-09 V6.67
- Hide the action bar and make it translucent for the video play screen.
- Improved how the control overlay of the video display screen is determined.
- Fixed bugs related to explore.
2015-01-04 V6.65
- Removed debug features included by mistake.
2015-01-03 V6.63
- Fixed a bug related to reconnection for RTSP over HTTP.
- Added a default snapshot image for devices that do not support snapshot.
2015-01-02 V6.61
- Fixed a few bugs related to resets and reset tours exploration, startup setup, tip text display.
2014-12-29 V6.59
- Fixed a minor bug related to the display of first running.
2014-12-29 V6.57
- Added demo units for first running the app.
- Fixed a bug related to generic RTSP editing.
- Improved debugging log.
- Improved the robustness of ONVIF service requests.
2014-12-25 V6.55
- On-screen video information has been moved to a separate window.
- Mode switch (between H.264 to JPEG for ONVIF devices) has been moved to the action bar/menu. MJPEG decoder has been improved.
2014-12-19 V6.53
- The setup process has been significantly expedited by skipping optional information retrieval. As a result, some pages start slightly faster.
- Off-line ONVIF explore is no longer supported. An ONVIF device needs to be online for exploring because Onvier no longer stores a large amount of ONVIF information for each device.
- Video test information has been added to the debugging log for the device adding screen.
2014-12-04 V6.51
- G.711 audio decoder has been improved to reduce background noise.
- Home screen device tile size has been increased per user feedback.
2014-12-03 V6.49
- Improved G.711 audio decoder to reduce noise.
- Fixed a bug related to initial video streaming.
2014-12-03 V6.47
- Added the recording function to generic RTSP streams.
- Improved the performance of recording for ONVIF devices.
2014-12-02 V6.45
- Added the support for generic RTSP.
- Fixed a bug related to the snapshot function.
2014-12-01 V6.43
- Improved RTSP decoder to accommodate a rare authentication scheme.
- Improved video testing UI.
2014-11-30 V6.41
- Supporting H.264 video stream in multi-view.
2014-11-28 V6.39
- Restored the snapshot display of the ONVIF device adding page.
2014-11-27 V6.37
- Fixed bugs related to multi-view.
2014-11-25 V6.35
- Fixed a minor bug related to PTZ affecting a small number of devices.
2014-11-25 V6.33
- Email a large debugging log as an attached text file.
2014-11-24 V6.31
- Added PTZ (optomechanical or digital) for single device full-screen mode in multi-view(Pro).
- Accommodate certain PTZ cameras missing the list of PTZ configurations.
2014-11-23 V6.29
- Added copy function to device adding screens so that a new device configuration can start by copying an existing one. This is particularly useful for adding multiple devices on the same LAN using their WAN IP addresses because they usually differ only in their port numbers.
- Improved error handling.
- Improved UI.
2014-11-22 V6.27
- Improved debugging log emailing function.
- Improved error handling.
- Improved UI.
2014-11-21 V6.25
- Fixed a bug related to the grid-view button of multi-view.
2014-11-21 V6.23
- Fixed a bug that affected the setup of devices that do not support RTSP over HTTP.
2014-11-21 V6.21
- Improved the debugging log.
- Improved error handling.
2014-11-20 V6.19
- Overhauled the adding ONVIF device screen. Now video can be tested, working transport protocol can be detected and selected automatically before a device's configuration is saved."
2014-11-18 V6.17
- Overhauled the UI of adding new MJPEG stream.
2014-11-17 V6.15
- Overhauled the UI of adding new device.
2014-11-16 V6.13
- Improved home screen UI.
- Improved streaming screen responsiveness.
- Improved error handling.
2014-11-15 V6.11
- Improved error handling.
- Accommodate certain unusual audio formats.
2014-11-05 V6.09
- Improved the compatibility of recorded MP4 files with some desktop video players.
2014-11-03 V6.07
- Accommodate lower Android versions for a few features.
2014-10-16 V6.05
- Fixed a bug related to audio encoder configurations.
- Improved error handling.
2014-10-14 V6.03
- Fixed a bug related to the Explore function.
2014-10-14 V6.01
- Accommodating devices creating malformed media profiles
2014-10-13 V5.99
- Improved debugging log.
- Improved error handling.
2014-09-26 V5.97
- Improved error handling.
2014-09-24 V5.95
- Added tap-to-full-screen for multi-view (Pro).
- Improved error handling.
2014-09-22 V5.93
- Improved digital PTZ (Pro).
- Improved error handling.
2014-09-15 V5.91
- Accommodating some cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-09-08 V5.89
- Fixed a bug related to media profile selection in setup.
2014-09-08 V5.87
- Improved error handling.
2014-09-05 V5.85
- Fixed an H.264 video streaming related bug.
2014-09-05 V5.83
- Improved error handling.
- Improved compatibility with some NVTs that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-09-03 V5.81
- Added to option to fix video orientation.
- Improved error handling.
2014-09-02 V5.79
- Added the option to choose digital PTZ in lieu of built-in PTZ for PTZ cameras (Pro).
- Restored zoom buttons per user request.
2014-08-21 V5.77
- Accommodation of cameras that do not support diagonal pan/tilt move.
2014-08-14 V5.75
- Improved error handling.
2014-08-12 V5.73
- Fixed a snapshot related bug introduced recently.
2014-08-07 V5.71
- Improved streaming information display.
- Improved compatibility with some NVTs.
2014-08-07 V5.69
- Improved error logging related to stack trace.
2014-08-06 V5.67
- Improved error logging for video play watchdog.
2014-08-05 V5.65
- Improved compatibility with some NVTs.
2014-07-31 V5.63
- Changed how control/info layer of the video streaming page is displayed based on user feedback.
2014-07-25 V5.61
- Changed the feedback from web form to email.
- Improved RTSP.
- Improved accommodation for non-standard ONVIF command responses
2014-07-24 V5.59
- Accommodate devices with certain malformation in their responses to ONVIF commands.
- Improved compatibility with devices with IO capabilities.
2014-07-23 V5.57
- Improved handling of empty responses from some NVTs to ONVIF commands.
- Improved handling of large numbers of invalid RTPCP packets generated by some NVTs.
2014-07-22 V5.55
- Improved RTPCP packets processing.
- Improved RTCP discovery.
2014-07-21 V5.53
- Improved video recording.
2014-07-19 V5.51
- Enhanced compatibility with some cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-07-17 V5.49
- Restored some widget resizing related features supported by Android 3.1 and above. There were removed recently due to addressing issues affecting older versions of Android.
2014-07-17 V5.47
- Improved diagnostic log for emailing by the user.
2014-07-16 V5.45
- Fixed streaming control hint display related bug.
- Improved compatibility with some ONVIF devices.
- Added IP addresses to the display of discovered NVTs.
2014-07-11 V5.43
- Accommodating devices sending erroneous port numbers for ONVIF's transport addresses (xAddr).
- Addressed the issue of wrong image size when video streaming has a significant delay.
2014-07-09 V5.41
- More consistent UI for Android devices lower than 4.1.
2014-07-08 V5.39
- Fixed a bug related to crash caused by H.264 video streaming on Android devices lower than 4.1.
2014-07-07 V5.37
- Accommodating some cameras with manufacturer added attributes of some tags in ONVIF responses.
2014-07-01 V5.35
- Improved widget to accommodate cameras without the support for JPEG encoding.
2014-06-30 V5.33
- Fixed a minor bug related to RTSP over TCP and RTSP over UDP.
2014-06-24 V5.31
- Added support for RTSP over UPD and RTSP over TCP.
- Improved the responsiveness of pinch zoom.
- Improved the performance the Edit page.
2014-06-17 V5.29
- Pinch replaced zoom buttons.
- Fixed a bug related to NVT's built-in PT function.
2014-06-13 V5.27
- Added the option for slow ONVIF requests.
- Fixed a bug related to potential crash upon exiting video streaming.
2014-06-07 V5.25
- Added detection of a small number of models requiring slow ONVIF requests currently.
- Addressed an issue related to potential H.264 codec corruption on some devices.
2014-06-02 V5.23
- Fixed a bug related to the initial size of H.264 video.
2014-06-02 V5.21
- Shortened the control display duration in video streaming screen, addressed an issue related to control display for a small number of devices.
2014-06-02 V5.19
- Addressed an issue related to MJPEG streaming exit.
2014-05-30 V5.17
- Addressed the issue of potential crash at the start of video streaming for certain devices.
2014-05-30 V5.15
- Addressed the issue of occasional crash video streaming exits under some unknown conditions.
2014-05-28 V5.13
- Improved compatibility with cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-05-10 V5.11
- Improved compatibility with cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-05-10 V5.09
- Improved digital PTZ (Pro).
- Improved compatibility with cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-05-07 V5.07
- Improved discovery.
2014-05-06 V5.03, 5.05
- Added more debug information to the log emailed by the user.
2014-05-05 V5.01
- Improved the debugging log.
2014-04-30 V5.01
- Improved the debugging log.
2014-04-30 V4.99
- Further improvement of RTSP authentication to accommodate some brands.
2014-04-30 V4.97
- Improved RTSP authentication to accommodate some brands.
2014-04-29 V4.95
- Fixed a bug related to RTSP over UDP streaming.
2014-04-26 V4.93
- Improved HTTP authentication.
2014-04-25 V4.91
- Improved both basic and digest authentication.
2014-04-24 V4.89
- Digital PTZ for non-PTZ cameras (Pro version).
2014-04-22 V4.87
- Simplified device configuration editing.
2014-04-18 V4.85
- Fixed a bug that affects H.264 streaming of some cameras.
2014-04-12 V4.83
- Fixed a bug related to PTZ.
2014-04-10 V4.81
- Fixed a bug that caused repeated display of announcement.
2014-04-10 V4.81
- Fixed a bug that caused repeated display of announcement.
2014-04-08 V4.79
- Allow selecting streaming profiles manually.
2014-04-07 V4.77
- Improved compatibility with older Android devices.
2014-04-07 V4.75
- Fixed a bug related to tapping the discovered devices button to launch the adding a new device activity. Display of streaming profiles in the adding device screen.
2014-04-07 V4.73
- Added a note about the bug of V4.67.
2014-04-06 V4.71
- Replaced "Update" with "Edit" to allow fully editing the device configuration.
2014-04-06 V4.69
- Fixed a bug in saving a new device configuration that was introduced in the previous version.
2014-04-05 V4.67
- Added support for generic MJPEG stream.
- Improved support for a few devices that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-04-04 V4.65
- Improved support for a few devices that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-04-01 V4.63
- Made PTZ accommodate more devices.
2014-03-29 V4.61
- Improved PTZ.
2014-03-28 V4.59
- Added the option to allow the user of newer Android device (4.1 and above) to force Onvier to use UDP for H.264 streaming.
2014-03-26 V4.57
- Improved compatibility with Bosch cameras.
2014-03-26 V4.55
- Improved compatibility with Pixel-Velocity cameras.
2014-03-21 V4.53
- Fixed bugs related to H.264 profile configuration, snapshot and streaming file cleaning.
2014-03-19 V4.51
- Accommodating certain cameras that are not strictly ONVIF conformant.
2014-03-18 V4.49
- Fixed a logging issue related to the ONVIF log emailed by the user for debugging.
2014-03-17 V4.47
- Added a function to allow the user to email ONVIF message log for debugging.
2014-03-13 V4.45
- Added a function to allow the user to email streaming log for debugging.
2014-03-12 V4.43
- Improved UI.
2014-03-11 V4.41
- Added ad banner that can be removed by upgrading to the Pro version.
2014-03-10 V4.39
- Improved multi-view configuration UI.
2014-03-10 V4.37
- Fixed a bug related to multi-view.
2014-03-10 V4.35
- Significantly improved performance.
- Improved action bar.
- Added in-app purchase for supporting the app by upgrading to the permanently ad-free Pro version.
2014-03-09 V4.34
- Improved feedback to the user during device setup when the response from the NVT is empty or an error related DDNS setup.
- Added IAP permission.
- Support Pixel Velocity ONVIF devices.
- Support Tenvis ONVIF cameras
- UI Improvement
- Enhanced compatibility to accommodate certain devices.
- Corrected the current number of ONVIF devices on the market.
- Enhanced H.264 decoding.
- Improved PTZ response.
- Enhanced performance.
- Fixed a bug related to the pause function.
- Adopted action bar for the single-view screen.
- Adopted action bar for the multi-view screen.
- Fixed an issue related to ONVIF NVT list.
- Added an indicator of video encoder type.
- Accommodating some NTV's with missing audio bit rate in their SDP messages.
- H.264 encoded video carried by RTSP over HTTP as the default streaming mode for Android 4.1 and above mobile devices.
2014-03-02 V4.31
- Improved feedback to the user during device setup when the response from the NVT is empty or an error related DDNS setup.
- Added IAP permission.
- Added privacy policy.
2014-02-28 V4.29
- Support Pixel Velocity ONVIF devices.
2014-02-27 V4.27
- Support Tenvis ONVIF cameras
- UI Improvement
2014-02-26 V4.23, V4.25
- Transient non-functional updates.
2013-12-01 V4.21
- Enhanced compatibility to accommodate certain devices.
2013-12-02 V4.19
- Corrected the current number of ONVIF devices on the market.
2013-12-01 V4.17
- New Tutorial.
- Enhanced H.264 decoding.
- Improved PTZ response.
2013-11-25 V4.15
- Enhanced performance.
2013-11-24 V4.13
- Enhanced performance.
2013-11-14 V4.11
- Fixed a bug related to the pause function.
- Adopted action bar for the single-view screen.
2013-11-13 V4.09
- Adopted action bar for the multi-view screen.
2013-11-12 V4.07
- Adopted action bar for the home screen.
2013-11-08 V4.05
- Fixed an issue related to ONVIF NVT list.
2013-11-06 V4.03
- Improved PTZ.
- Added an indicator of video encoder type.
2013-11-05 V4.01
- Accommodating some NTV's with missing audio bit rate in their SDP messages.
2013-11-04 V3.99
- H.264 encoded video carried by RTSP over HTTP as the default streaming mode for Android 4.1 and above mobile devices.
2013-10-29 V3.97
- Improved compatibility with some cameras.
2013-10-21 V3.95
- Improved feedback for users. Addressed a PTZ related issue.
2013-10-09 V3.94
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-10-09 V3.93
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-10-06 V3.91
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-10-02 V3.89
- Accommodating some devices with certain malformated ONVIF responses.
2013-09-29 V3.87
- Accommodating some devices with certain characters in attribute values of their ONVIF service response.
2013-09-21 V3.85
- Fixed a bug related to device configuration.
2013-09-21 V3.83
- Accommodating some devices with empty attributes in their ONVIF responses.
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-19 V3.81
- Accommodating some devices with certain missing certain contents in their ONVIF responses.
2013-09-17 V3.79
- Accommodating some devices with special tag attributes in their responses to ONVIF commands.
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-15 V3.77
- Accommodating some devices with certain non-standard implementation of ONVIF.
2013-09-14 V3.75
- Added stream URI retrieval to media profile page (hold device tile > Explore > Media > Profiles > select a profile).
2013-09-13 V3.73
- Improved PT function for rotated video.
2013-09-11 V3.71
- Fixed a bug that affects Android 4.2.x devices.
2013-09-11 V3.69
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-10 V3.67
- Added new device discovery upon the start.
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-05 V3.65
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-04 V3.63
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-03 V3.61
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-02 V3.59
- Improved feedback for users.
2013-09-01 V3.57
- Improved feedback for users when adding a device fails.
2013-08-31 V3.55
- Improved feedback for users when adding a device fails.
2013-08-30 V3.53
- Improved feedback for users when adding a device fails.
2013-08-29 V3.51
- Disabled screen dimming during multi-view streaming.
- Improved feedback for users when adding a device fails.
2013-08-28 V3.49
- Improved feedback for users when adding a device fails.
2013-08-27 V3.47
- Added video rotation on the fly.
2013-08-13 V3.45
- Added PTZ preset tours to the media profile information.
2013-08-12 V3.43
- Added PTZ presets to the media profile information.
2013-08-11 V3.41
- Added audio encoder configuration.
2013-08-09 V3.39
- Added automatic device update after encoder configuration change.
2013-08-08 V3.37
- Added audio source/encoder addition function for profiles (hold device tile > Explore > Media > Media Profiles > Select a media profile > Edit).
- Added video encoder editing button to the media profile editing screen.
- Changed "Configure Media: screen to have quick access to the primary and recording profiles (hold device tile > Configure Media).
2013-08-07 V3.35
- Added easy access to configuring both primary streaming JPEG media profile and recording/alternate streaming media profile (hold a device tile > Configure Media). The device must have been streamed successfully once to allow the editing.
2013-07-30 V3.33
- Added easy access to streaming video configuration (hold a device tile > Configure Video). The device must have been streamed successfully at least once to allow the editing.
2013-07-29 V3.31
- Added video encoder configuration editing(Explore > Media > Video Encoder Configurations > Select a configuration Edit). This is useful for adjusting resolution and quality to suite a mobile device's specific screen resolution and bandwidth.
2013-07-27 V3.29
- Added audio source and audio encoder configuration selection (Explore > Media > Media Profiles > Profile > Edit).
2013-07-25 V3.27
- Added video source configuration selection. This is primarily useful for server type NVT's that usually have multiple video source configurations.
2013-07-24 V3.25
- Added video source configuration selection. This is primarily useful for server type NVT's that usually have multiple video source configurations.
2013-07-20 V3.23
- Added back quick video tutorial using YouTube. This allows the installation package to have a small size.
2013-07-19 V3.21
- Removed the quick video tutorial temporarily.
2013-07-19 V3.19
- Added a quick video tutorial. This increases the installation package by 34MB.
- Added video resolution information to the single-view streaming window.
2013-07-17 V3.17
- Expanded PTZ Configuration information.
- Enhanced compatibility with some ONVIF NVT's.
2013-07-16 V3.15
- Added PTZ nodes information to the Explore menu (Explore > PTZ > PTZ Nodes).
- Added PTZ Service Capabilities information to the Explore menu (Explore > PTZ > Service Capabilities).
2013-07-15 V3.13
- Added video source information to the Explore menu (Explore > Media > Video Sources).
- Added audio source information to the Explore menu (Explore > Media > Audio Sources).
2013-07-14 V3.11
- Added network zero configuration information to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > Zero Configuration).
- Added audio decoder configurations to the Explore menu (Explore > Media > Audio Decoder Configurations).
2013-07-11 V3.09
- Fixed a bug for Android 4.2 devices.
- Added device address validation.
2013-07-10 V3.07
- Fixed a publication error.
2013-07-10 V3.05
- Added Remote Discovery Mode to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > Device Information).
- Added Device Scopes to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > Scopes).
- Added Service Capabilities Scopes to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > Service Capabilities).
2013-07-06 V3.03
- Added Device Proxy (DP) to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > Device Proxy (DP) Addresses).
- Added Host Name Information to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > Device Information).
2013-07-04 V3.01
- Added IEEE 802.1X configuration to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > IEEE 802.1X Configurations).
- Added DNS Information to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > DNS Information).
2013-07-03 V2.99
- Added discovery mode to the Explore menu (Explore > Device > Device Information).
- Improved performance.
2013-07-01 V2.97
- Improved Explore menu.
- Added certificate status to the explore menu (Explore > Device > Certificate Status). Only some ONVIF devices support this.
2013-06-30 V2.95
- Added video analytics to the Explore menu (Explore > Media > Video Analytics Configurations ...).
2013-06-29 V2.93
- Expanded capabilities information to cover the latest version of ONVIF completely.
2013-06-28 V2.91
- Added meta data configurations to the Explore menu.
2013-06-27 V2.89
- Onvier will create media profiles with optimal video source, video encoder, audio source, audio encoder for streaming and recording on the mobile device if it is allowed by the ONVIF device during setup.
- Added meta data configuration and video analytics configuration to media profile data.
- Improved performance.
2013-06-24 V2.87
- Video sources and audio sources added to Explore.
- Improved security.
2013-06-21 V2.85
- Accommodating certain abnormal video encoder configuration data.
2013-06-21 V2.83
- Avoid device configuration corruption by non-standard services data retrieved from a NVT.
2013-06-20 V2.81
- Improved media profile browsing.
- Added profile deletion function.
- Accommodating certain non-standard profiles.
2013-06-19 V2.79
- Added Services to the Explore contents. Services have the most extensive information about an NVT's features. Not all NVT's support Services retrieval.
- Improved Explore UI.
2013-06-10 V2.77
- Improved compatibility with Canon cameras.
2013-06-08 V2.75
- Improved streaming startup speed.
2013-06-07 V2.73
- Raised the upper limit for allowed media profile video resolutions. Each mobile device has its own limit of video resolution it can handle.
- Improved UI.
2013-06-06 V2.71
- Improved reliability on certain mobile devices.
2013-06-06 V2.69
- Further improvement of streaming URI handling.
2013-06-05 V2.67
- Improved streaming URI handling.
2013-05-31 V2.65
- Improved RTSP over HTTP robustness to accommodate some devices with unusual requirements.
- Improved tip for RTSP over UDP.
2013-05-31 V2.63
- Improved device discovery, improved compatibility with Axis cameras.
2013-05-30 V2.61
- Improved connectivity checking.
2013-05-29 V2.59
- Improved UI of adding device.
2013-05-28 V2.57
- Addressed an issue related to a crash when there is no network connection.
2013-05-24 V2.55
- Improved compatibility with Yudor cameras, improved PTZ functions.
2013-05-20 V2.53
- Improved compatibility with Samsung cameras.
2013-05-18 V2.51
- Improved video streaming start time for some devices.
2013-05-17 V2.49
- Improved compatibility with Samsung cameras.
2013-05-16 V2.47
- Improved compatibility with Samsung and Honeywell cameras.
2013-05-14 V2.45
- Improved compatibility with KT&C and Vitek cameras.
2013-05-13 V2.43
- Improved compatibility with Honeywell cameras.
2013-05-06 V2.41
- A device can be set as the startup device so that Onvier will start video streaming from the device upon start.
2013-05-03 V2.39
- Improved compatibility with cameras only accepting continuous PTZ movement.
2013-05-02 V2.37
- Improved compatibility with KT&C PTZ cameras.
2013-05-01 V2.35
- Improved compatibility with Sony cameras.
2013-04-30 V2.33
- Improved compatibility with HIKVision, HT&C, Panasonic cameras.
2013-04-24 V2.32
- Enhance compatibility with Panasonic, KT&C and HIKVision cameras.
- Button "From discovered" has been removed if the initial discovery does not find any devices.
- Improved PTZ function.
- Improved recorded MP4 file viewing by using Onvier's own player instead of opening Gallery that does not work on some devices.
- Improved temp storage space management for recording.
- Increase of the recording length limit to 2 minutes.
- Better feedback to the user for devices of which snapshots cannot be retrieved.
- Accommodating devices that do not require authentication for certain functions.
- Significant enhancement of MP4 recording performance.
- Accommodating unusual RTSP/RTP channel settings of some devices.
- Added discovery for Ethernet connection.
- Better feedback to the user when a device is not reachable.
- AAC Audio added to MP4 file recording.
- Improved device discovery information.
- MP4 file recording with H.264 encoding.
- Improved discovery feedback for users.
- Better tolerance for devices with ONVIF implementation deviations.
2013-04-23 V2.31
- Enhanced compatibility with HIKVision cameras.
2013-04-22 V2.29
- Enhanced compatibility with Panasonic and KT&C cameras.
2013-04-05 V2.25
- Improved PTZ function.
2013-04-04 V2.23
- Improved recorded MP4 file viewing by using Onvier's own player instead of opening Gallery that does not work on some devices.
2013-04-03 V2.21
- Improved temp storage space management for recording.
- Increase of the recording length limit to 2 minutes.
2013-04-02 V2.19
- Better feedback to the user for devices of which snapshots cannot be retrieved.
- Accommodating devices that do not require authentication for certain functions.
2013-04-01 V2.17
- Significant enhancement of MP4 recording performance.
- Accommodating unusual RTSP/RTP channel settings of some devices.
2013-03-31 V2.15
- Added discovery for Ethernet connection.
- Better feedback to the user when a device is not reachable.
2013-03-29 V2.13
- AAC Audio added to MP4 file recording.
- Improved device discovery information.
2013-03-27 V2.11
- MP4 file recording with H.264 encoding.
- Improved discovery feedback for users.
- Better tolerance for devices with ONVIF implementation deviations.
2013-03-26 V2.10
- Numerous improvements in ONVIF device discovery, streaming performance, compatibility with devices with unique features.
2013-03-23 V2.09
- Addressed a display issue for Android Jelly Bean devices, and multi-view.
- Improved discovery.
2013-03-22 V2.07
- Improved discovery.
- Enhanced streaming performance.
2013-03-21 V2.05
- Improved home screen preview updating.
2013-03-20 V2.03
- Improved home screen performance and robustness for devices with small displays while having a large number of registered ONVIF devices.
- IImproved video stream decoding to accommodate high resolution images from some ONVIF devices.
2013-03-19 V2.01
- Improved the home screen that has a large number of devices, improved widget's tolerance of network connection errors.
2013-03-18 V2.00 (version number chosen incorrectly)
- Accommodate the latest firmware of Axis devices, improved performance.
2013-03-06 V1.99
- Accommodate certain mobile devices that cannot handle large image files.
2013-03-01 V1.97
- Further improvement of device discovery to accommodate certain ONVIF compliant devices.
2013-02-27 V1.95
- More robust device discovery to accommodate certain ONVIF compliant devices.
2013-02-26 V1.93
- Improved device discovery to accommodate certain ONVIF compliant devices with unusual discovery probe responses.
2013-02-22 V1.91
- More robust device discovery to accommodate some mobile devices that might have issues with prior versions in this regard.
- H.264 video scaling mode change now is available for Jelly Bean or newer versions of Android (video scaling has always been available for JPEG streaming).
- More robust PTZ function to accommodate certain ONVIF devices.
- More robust home screen snapshot updating.
2013-02-21 V1.89
- Improved H.264 streaming for newer versions of Android.
- Friendly reminder of LAN connection requirement for devices with addresses reserved for private networks.
2013-02-20 V1.87
- Improved multi-view configuration, snapshot retrieval and widget error handling.
2013-02-19 V1.85
- Better handling of jpeg decoding error and multi-view configuration error.
2013-02-19 V1.83
- Better handling of various errors.
2013-02-17 V1.81
- PTZ function modification to accommodate more devices.
2013-01-18 V1.79
- Snapshots for multi-view.
2013-01-18 V1.77
- Snapshot available for H.264 streaming.
2013-01-17 V1.75
- Snapshot for single-view.
2013-01-17 V1.72
2013-01-16 V1.73
- Multi-view has two display modes - stretch to fill each window, or scale to the maximum while showing the entire image.
2013-01-15 V1.71
- Multi-view for displaying video streams from multiple devices simultaneously.
2012-09-19 V1.69
- Accommodating cameras without s proper snapshot URL.
2012-09-12 V1.67
- AAC audio support. Some devices such as Axis models use AAC by default.
- Android 2.2 (API Level 8) devices are supported again.
2012-08-28 V1.65
- Improved discovery status display.
2012-08-27 V1.63
- Accommodating devices without the snapshot feature or JPEG encoder.
2012-08-22 V1.61
- Faster home page response and video streaming start.
2012-08-21 V1.59
- Faster performance for the discover page.
2012-08-20 V1.57
- Faster ONVIF device discovery for some mobile devices.
- Accommodation of some erroneous media profiles.
2012-08-17 V1.55
- Fixed a bug that prevented the PTZ function from working for Android 3.0 and above.
2012-08-16 V1.53
- Improved video streaming from the explore and profile pages.
2012-08-16 V1.51
- Fixed a discovery bug.
- Accommodate more devices with imperfect implementation of ONVIF.
2012-07-20 V1.49
- Improved startup tips.
2012-07-14 V1.47
- Improved app widget.
- List to show all ONVIF conformant NVT's (e.g. cameras, servers, encoders)
2012-07-09 V1.45
- Onvier widget with a snapshot updated periodically, and quick access to video streaming by tapping the widget.
- Accommodation of empty user name for streaming information cache.
- Minor improvement of streaming startup speed.
2012-06-29 V1.43
- Accommodation of empty password for streaming information cache.
- Minor improvement of streaming startup speed.
2012-06-27 V1.41
- Added the option to switch the default streaming mode.
- Enhanced video streaming performance significantly.
2012-06-26 V1.39
- Improved H.264 streaming.
2012-06-26 V1.37
- Tapping a device tile starts video streaming instead of the explorer.
- Improved video startup time after the first streaming.
2012-06-05 V1.35
- JPEG streaming performance has been significantly improved for some cameras.
2012-06-04 V1.33
- Addressed a video streaming authentication issue for some cameras.
2012-06-02 V1.31
- Addressed an snapshot authentication issue for some cameras.
2012-06-01 V1.29
- Addressed some compatibility issues for some cameras.
2012-05-07 V1.27
- Fixed the missing of Firmware Version of the Device Information page.
2012-05-04 V1.25
- The UI of device addition screen has been improved to minimize potential confusion.
2012-04-24 V1.23
- Zoom function added.
2012-04-20 V1.21
- Pan/Tilt for PTZ cameras. Simply flick (i.e. swipe, fling or drag) to pan/tilt.
2012-04-18 V1.19
- Video encoder configurations, audio encoder configurations and PTZ configurations have been added to the explore list
2012-04-18 V1.18
2012-04-09 V1.10
- Pause/Play and Scale buttons for video streaming
2012-04-08 V1.11
- Pause/Play and Scale buttons for video streaming
2012-04-03 V1.09
2012-03-31 V1.08
2012-03-27 V1.06 - V1.07
2012-03-26 V1.04
2012-03-21 V1.02 - V1.03
2012-03-21 V1.02
2012-03-20 V1.00 - V1.01
2012-03-19 V0.17 - V0.18 (beta)
2012-03-18 V0.15 - V0.16 (beta)
2012-03-17 V0.12 - V0.14 (beta)
2012-03-16 V0.9 - V0.11 (beta)
2012-03-15 V0.5 - V0.8 (beta)
2012-03-13 V0.4 (beta)
2012-03-13 V0.3 (beta)
2012-03-08 V0.2 (beta)
2012-03-07 V0.1 (beta)